Thursday, March 12, 2009

wild at heart

Interestingly enough, just as page 164 in Captivating is legitly useful to my life, so is 114 in Wild at Heart. It's by the same guy, so this overlapping makes sense. It's weird to see it from this perspective. From a book that is meant for the men of this world. Of course I was going to read it though, because honestly, I have no idea why a girl wouldn't want to try to better understand. I can't be the only one who's ever been frustrated with how guys act. So, my new advice is, whether guy or girl, read Captivating, and Wild at Heart. They will probably give you insight.

I feel so naive right now. And so, ugh, I can't even describe this feeling. I'm lacking words. Like all of my actions don't affect, and yet also like I've wronged you in so many different ways. My life continues to give me stepping stones and new wisdom to try to cope with. Learning is good, I suppose. But it always sucks when you learn through failing, through epically failing.

"I want to tell you you can go on
that beginnings come from ends
I still believe in you and so does God
He's the one who still believes in those who fail
He's the one who still believes in us who fall"

[we all fall, Superchick]

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