Wednesday, March 11, 2009

it must be a phase

or something like that. Since when do I go out of my way to listen to a country song? Tyler would think I were lying if I called him right now. He would laugh.

(Oh my gosh. On a side note, I literally am sick. I'm basically coughing up a lung. I think my bus mates might kill me on Friday if I get them sick for spring break. This might be a potential problem. Ugh)

Anyway. Yeah, now I have three songs by Keith Urban? That I actually paid for, off of iTunes. What on earth, where the heck is this coming from? (No, don't answer that. I don't need an answer, I actually know...rhetorical question) And someone tell me why I care what happens on May 14. I seriously...I confuse myself. I don't make sense. I need to talk to my cousin. Maybe I'll call him soon. I should call him sooner rather than later, because later will not help me think through things. Later might be, too late, I suppose.

However, in two weeks or so, I feel like I will go back to completely loathing anything country. It wouldn't surprise me at this point, in all honesty. Apathy might be the norm for my reaction to the entire genre. I wish it weren't so, because I have gotten used to it. These songs have become the new obsession, and it will be hard to let them go. Aw, shucks.

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