Sunday, March 8, 2009

slush makes my jeans wet

I am frustrated with the weather. Friday was such a tease. It was gorgeous out, and I wish it weren't so horribly disgusting today. I walked home after work, because I hate the bus, and because I hate waiting, and in all honesty, I like walking. It gives me time to unwind, especially after sitting at Walgreens for eight hours. Music is my friend during such times, and it was good to mechanically climb Bascom and listen to Relient K.

In general, I am in a worse mood when it's crappy outside. I was so excited to simply be alive on Friday, but today? Today just hates me, I swear. Yet I am going to find a way to look past the problems that I'm up against, because I think that I complain way too much. And complaining doesn't get me anywhere. Easier said than done.

I saw two people steal stuff from work today. I wanted to punch a guy in the face. I don't understand who thinks that taking things is okay. Really? Buy it, you jerk. And I don't get how people say they don't have money for whatever it is that they're taking, when they're sitting there in a Northface jacket, wearing a pair of Uggs. You're kidding me, right? I'm sure you have the money. Stop jacking up the prices for everyone else, because we have to compensate for the fact that things go missing. You're screwing everyone else over, and I don't think that's very kind of you. I think it's kind of a bitch-move. So stop it. Literally, if it were my store, I would have tackled that guy. I was so pissed. People wonder why things keep getting more and more expensive at a store like that? Ask the guy who jacks cologne, and the girl who steals expensive makeup. The company has to make up for their losses, so they charge everyone else more, simply because a few jerks decide that they're going to stick it to "the man" and not pay for something. Not okay.

It's already quarter to six, and I have so much to do. I have one week until I will be warm. Hopefully I can hold out that long. I wonder if it's possible though, because of the one thing that has been continually making my brain freak out. I don't foresee it getting any better in the next week, or two weeks. That doesn't really help. I wish I would stop spazzing. Why is this so hard for me?

[the rest of this was added Monday, March 9 2009]

On the whole stealing thing. I was thinking today about it, but as much as it angers me, I think that it makes me more sad than anything else. Firstly, why do we have this insatiable need for things? Things won't make us happy. Things won't love us. Things won't fill the gaping hole that's in your life. It makes me sad to see students taking things that they think they're entitled to, or that they think will make them prettier, or better, or happier. No such thing exists. I wonder if they've ever stopped to think about that. I wonder if anyone's ever told them? Maybe it isn't about the money at all. Maybe it's that they're trying to cover up the hurt with having the people in this world tell them that they're beautiful, or that they're worth something. Sooner or later, people will disappoint. And then where will they be? They'll still be lost.

Matthew 11:28-29 "Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls."

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