Monday, March 2, 2009


So, I realized today just how horribly I am behind. Literally, I... am to a point where I don't even want to think about it, because it makes me want to go and curl up in a ball on my bed and never move again. I'm too stressed out to even function, but I have to. This morning, I contemplated skipping class to finish up some stuff, but realized that it would make it harder to do things later. Basically, I have absolutely no money, and I have no free time this week. All I will be doing, is homework. Ugh.

The only reason I won't be doing homework, is if I get a phone call. People are still important, but I need to make sure that I have time to finish things. At the moment though, I would much rather talk to someone instead of do this assignment on insurance. However, my phone is silent, and I'm taking that as an indication that I should work. I need to start getting more sleep, even if I like my previous distraction. Somehow, it seems that it won't be as crazy as it was. I don't really know what to think about that. I guess I'll get back to my homework. There's nothing else for me to be doing.

On the bright side - it's sunny out. Cold, but at least sunny. That makes my day better.
On the down side - my headphones broke. So I'm iPod-less. And super bummed. I had an extra pair, but I loaned (no, not borrowed) them to Jackie, and I have yet to get them back. Hopefully soon. I want music, but living in a dorm means that other people listen to it, and I hate disturbing others. I can't wait til I get an apartment. Oh, happy day.

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