Sunday, February 15, 2009


Mine are off. It shouldn't even be "eat, sleep, school." It should be Christ. First and foremost. The rest will take care of themselves. He's all I need, and I need to realize that. I need to trust His timing, and His word. School, and achievement are secondary. Finances, are tertiary. Primary objective - know Him. Don't simply know about Him. What a fabulously true message. We know about people, and say that they're our friends. How many of them do we honestly know?

We should strive to know God, not just know about Him. Anyone could list off adjectives that describe Him. Anyone can quote things found in the Bible. But the person that knows God? We should all want nothing more in our lives. We should cry at the mere mention of His name, because we are so intimately connected to Him. What a glorious day that would be! If only our lives were completely centered on the one thing that would keep them intact, God. Forget sleep. I'm going to read my Bible until I drift off. Then I'll wake up and thank Him for another day. And hopefully, repeat the process.

I literally am on the verge of tears. Life is ridiculous, and every time I come back to this simple truth, I can't believe that I ever left it, ever doubted it. I'm thankful that my eyes are reopened, yet apologetic that it took so long. Praise God for his faithfulness

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

crazy- that's exactly what the sermon at St. Paul's was talking about- not just knowing about Him, but KNOWING Him and becoming a reflection of Christ himself.

Just thought that was cool :)