Sunday, February 1, 2009

freshman class

So I'm sitting here, in the TLC, (which, I'm not going to lie, is kinda creepy, especially when you're the only one in here at about 2 am) because I'm doing my laundry in the basement, and I didn't feel like going back to my room just to come back down in a little bit. Anyway, so, Friday night we had our freshman overnighter, and it was a blessing to spend about 20 hours straight with everyone. I got no sleep, and consequently took a ridiculously long nap today, resulting in my getting no homework done, however it was totally worth it, and once again, I wouldn't trade things like this for anything.

It was good to meet some new people. I am very happy with the friends I've made here, and the group that I have, but I continue to feel as though we should branch out and be accepting of everyone, so it was good to have a chance to get to know people that I haven't been hanging out with for the entire last semester. Refreshing, really. I realized that I have a knack still for hanging out with boys. I only met one freshman guy that I didn't already know, whereas I met more than a dozen young women. I'm very glad for this, because as much as I love hanging out with the guys, I've finally come to realize what it is like to have sisters in Christ to talk with. It's priceless.

The super bowl was today, and I'm not going to lie, I don't care at all. I have found myself not wanting to be caught up in television, or sports, or really, anything so inconsequential. I'd rather have a conversation with a friend, or read a book. I'd rather do my homework. That's what I have been doing, since I woke up from my nap. Reading, for my Western Religious class. It's...different, let's say. A new perspective, for sure.

My TA told us that he grew up believing that everyone in America was a Catholic. Apparently, he says that happens when you grow up in Boston. I don't know how someone could be so completely sheltered to think that there aren't different ideas in this country, when you see people arguing about everything all the time, and what's "right." But, he was, and that's that. So, though he grew up in a hardcore Catholic community, it seems as though he doesn't believe the Bible at all. I guess that shouldn't surprise me though, because I've seen a lot of people go through life having religion pushed on them, only to say that they want nothing to do with it. He thinks it's just a book. Just words on a page, just a story. You know, he admits it might be a good one, but that's all it is, from a historical standpoint. You can't prove it, you can't think everything it says is true, la la la.

It was hard to sit there for the hour or so, listening to him go on. I'm not the kind of person to believe everything that I hear, and I do not think that I just naively follow what the Bible says, because it's the Bible, and therefore has to be right. I understand that there are things that won't make sense because of context. I understand that there are things that seemingly contradict one another. I get that people can't prove nor disprove things that it says. Yet I feel as though my faith, in Christ, is more than simply following words on a page. Either way, it was hard to hear him bash the book that I carry with me everywhere I go. I'm going to have to learn to take it from a scholarly approach and not let him get to me. Hard, challenging, it might prove to be. I can only pray that it will make me stronger in my faith. A part of me wants to buy him a copy of "Case For Christ" by Lee Strobel. It's fantastic. I wonder if he's read it before.

I spent last night with a bunch of girls in Lakeshore, watching a movie. And I came to the conclusion that, I shall not watch chick flicks for a year. Hold me to it. I won't do it. I can't. I hate the feeling of wanting something that I can't have. I don't want for the world to push a feeling of needing a "significant other" and "true love" on me at this age. I'm only 19! Why would I keep putting myself in a position to see how happy life is, when I should want nothing more than to pursue God, and be content in my singleness. It's a season, that is to be enjoyed, and if I keep watching those movies, I feel as though I shall not be focused on that, instead wanting something that isn't for me right now. Someday, yeah, but now? There's no point in continually disappointing myself and feeling as though I am somehow incomplete without a guy. I'm not. I need to focus on school and having a better relationship with Christ.

No more movies. Every time I want to watch a movie, how about I read my bible for two hours. How amazing would that be? If instead of watching a movie, we took that time for Him. Ooooh, this has exciting potential.

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