Tuesday, February 3, 2009

sick, sick

There's an atrocious odor coming from my roadie. I thought I had lost it, but it was under my bed. I last saw it...on Thursday? Which means that remnants of the cocoa/coffee mix that I was drinking, have been in there since. Ew. It was shut, and now it smells disgusting. I'm going to have to go clean that, and use a lot of soap.

In other news, I spent today, not working. I was supposed to, but a coworker asked if I could switch with her, and work this Saturday instead. That's fine by me. It's not like I've been getting homework done during the weekends anyway... But yeah, so, instead of working, I ran errands! I bought stuff (that I am pretty sure I don't have the money for) and chilled, and sat at my computer for way too long attempting to make some mixed cds. [By the by, I would love it if you made me a cd. Whoever you are, find some of your favorite songs, put them on a cd, and give it to me. It would make my week, probably. I love listening to music, whatever it is, and I love figuring out what everyone else actually listens to. If you don't have a cd, I'd be more than happy to give you one that's blank.]

So yes, instead of doing something "productive" I've instead been assembling a package. Can't figure out what else to put in it, but I think that it's pretty satisfactory. Have I ever mentioned that I freaking love getting mail? Literally, even if you live on Lakeshore with me, if you give me your address, I will send you stuff. I like getting mail, and assume that everyone does, so I try to send things to other people. Sometimes I fail dreadfully, and I'm very sorry about that. I am working on my promptness.

Bleh. I don't want to sleep. I want every day to be like today, minus the whole school part. Today was pretty fab. I want to talk to people. But they're all doing homework like good students. Argh (swash swash buckle buckle). Entertain me please. Otherwise, I'll have no other choice than to read my Ed Psych book. Boo.

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