Saturday, February 14, 2009

valentine's day

I honestly, forgot this holiday existed this year. I don't really care about it at all. I'm not sad, whatsoever. I'm not going to be all "Oh, I hate being single; my life sucks" because really, that's just not the way to live. I am more of the opinion that this holiday is simply for Hallmark. If you have someone in your life, you shouldn't judge how much they care about you by what they do for you or get you today. That simply isn't fair. Yes, it's nice to get chocolates, or whatever. But this day is not the be-all end-all that some people think that it is.

Last night was too much fun for me to be sad today. Literally, I can only think of one possible thing that would've made it better. The awesomeness would've gone up exponentially, but regardless the dance was pretty darn brilliant. I'm going to say that it was at least an 8 out of 10 as far as good times go with all my friends. We had such a great group of people, and I love that we had so many of the Freshman class there. It's good to see us all bonding.

I got to waltz with Chris; made me happy to waltz because I love ballroom. I think that everyone should take classes someday, because it is so much fun. And not only that, but you can actually use it, and there are rules, and both people know what's going on. And it totally pwns the whole, "I'm gonna put my arms around you, and we'll just kinda shuffle side to side/circle around" thing. Which I don't even like doing. It's just no fun at all.

Homework finishing, is the goal for the day. Except that it's already past one, and I've only been awake for like 2 hours. That's what you get when you stay up until three or so watching Harry Potter after coming home from a dance at midnight. Oh well. Life is enjoyable, and there's no point in not living. These are the days that I'll remember. Not my tests, and my readings. Boo on homework. But really, I have a few papers, and a few tests in the next two weeks that I need to do. So, yes. Maybe I'll actually be productive.

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