Saturday, January 24, 2009

girl night

So, as much as I loved last night, the craziness of being with everyone and hanging out with so many people, and just having a good time, I find that I equally love small groups. Love. I know that the word is over-used, and has been watered down through time, but I truly love being with my friends, and talking about everything. They are one of the reasons that I continue to laugh and smile and cherish life. Never before in my life have I had such fantastic friends, who legitimately care about my walk with Christ, my life, and my health. It's so refreshing.

Needless to say, I felt like crap this morning, having made myself sick. And when I told Brynn this she asked if she could get me anything, if she could do anything to help. I am so thankful for friends like her! She and Greta showed up at my room to check on me this evening, and I hadn't left my room all day, so it was nice to see them. These girls are wonderful, and I can't imagine leaving them for an entire year! It'll be hard, but we'll get through, and I'm sure things will be wonderful when I get back, and we'll continue encouraging and loving one another.

I remember when I first talked about Belgium...someone told me that they were worried for me, that I would lose friends, and find no one there, and have the worst of both worlds. I can't really believe that they said that, honestly. I think I'll have the best of both, because I know that the friends I have here are real, and honest, and true, and I am sure they'll be here when I get back.

It was good to sit over in Cole and watch chick flicks, and simply talk about life, and the problems that we're all currently facing - our fears, doubts, everything. Simply, fantastic. It's nice to be comfortable with being honest, with telling them how I've failed, and not be worried about their judging me. I've never had this, and I'm so thankful. I am so grateful for their friendship.

1 comment:

Mimi Sison said...

Your friends sound like fantastic individuals. I yearn for friends like those who I can have an honest and freeing conversation about God with, who are genuinely concerned about faith.

I'm happy that you've found such a loving niche. A home away from home. :D