Sunday, January 18, 2009

badger badger, badger badger

...mushroom, mushroom. :) But seriously, I'm back in Madtown, and I'm so excited to start off this new semester. I got back this morning, unpacked all my stuff, cleaned up my entire dorm room. Listened to a ton of music (which ended up being a lot of Mamma Mia, thanks to my mom) and just kinda enjoyed being by myself, organizing things. I honestly didn't have that much down time during break. I know I had about a month off, but everything was always so busy. There wasn't really any time where I just sat in my room, and did nothing. It only came in small bursts, so when I got back this morning, it was really nice to not have anyone around.

I spent the afternoon hanging out with Kyle, which was good. We went and got dinner down on State, and on the way back I stopped to chill with Spence, which is always a pleasure. He is pretty darn awesome. Talked to Tommy today, which made me happy. On a sad note, I haven't talked to anyone in WA in ages. It tends to feel as if they're slowly, but surely, drifting further and further away. Time can really kill things sometimes. And then I spent the entire evening/night, with the girls. We talked, and watched Gilmore Girls. It was good to see them again and just chill. It's late (or I suppose, early even) and I should go to bed. I have to work tomorrow, but thank goodness, it's the night shift, and I don't open. I wouldn't have stayed up this late had I opened (obviously, a lie, I just would've been tired at work.)

It's the first day since new year's that I haven't talked to a specific person, which shouldn't be that big of a deal, but seems strange nonetheless. Sometimes, I really hate my brain, because it's trying to get me to freak out over irrational things that are most likely, quite meaningless. I shall not freak out. This isn't the end of the world. Besides, I then remember that though this makes me sad, I got a letter in the mail today, and my joy returns! I love mail.

I have to buy books tomorrow. I don't want to. My things for French 101, (workbook/textbook), which have to be new, are like $170. Please kill me now. That's a disgusting amount of money for a book that I shall use for the next 4 months, and then never touch ever again. Ewwwwww.

I'm gonna try to sleep. Need to be productive, school starts Monday night for me, and I have things to do. However, today was good, and it is lovely to be back where I belong, for I truly believe it is here at the moment. Even though it means I'm not near you, this is where I'm supposed to be.

I pray that your life be filled with fruit. Joy, love, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, gentleness, faithfulness, and self-control. Against such things there is no law. :) God bless.

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