Thursday, January 1, 2009

inspired and in awe

TCX was amazing. It was amazing in the way the word should be, it was awe-some. It was brilliantly and wonderfully fantastic, in my opinion. To know, and to hear of, and to experience God's love, and His ability to change a group of students, to impact them, was unbelievable. I couldn't have asked for a better time, or a more meaningful four days. I am so excited to go and live my life, for Him. Honestly, that's all I want to do with it, because right now, I can't imagine living for a job, or money, or a status, or a relationship. I simply can't. All I want, is to learn His word, and devote myself to Him. That's it. However that might look in my life, is fine by me. If that means I go somewhere...well then, I guess I should figure out what to pack. I'm more than okay with being sent. He will be with me no matter what, and His spirit will guide me.

On a less serious note: Signs is the best game in the entire world. Go play. NOW. I met some amazing people through this game, and I thank God for them. They made me hopeful, and helped me remember that the world contains good people, who follow Christ, and know how to have a good time. I was excited to play...even until 5:00 in the morning. Oh, the memories.

I'm home now though, after four jam-packed days, and I just pray that this spiritual high transforms into a daily love. I need to work on some things, but others, I have already begun to change, and I know that it will bring me closer to Him.

Oh, I love TCX, and all that it was.

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