Thursday, January 22, 2009

blog happy

Blogging is fun. :) I like it a lot. I was really close to being totally asleep in my power lecture this morning, because I stayed up too late again last night. I should stop that. But yeah, we watched this documentary, and in normal circumstances I would love to watch it. However, on about 6 hours of sleep, in a completely dark room, at 9:00 in the morning? No thanks.

It's Thursday. YAY! I love Thursdays. It means that I get to see all of the wonderful people that I've met in the last few months. It means that I get to listen to a speaker talk about something new. It means that I get to sing. It means, breakfast with the girls, and walking to class in a mini-group. And it means Ballroom dancing. Psssh. It doesn't get better than this. Life is fantastic.

I was working with some people yesterday, who were just such debbie-downers. Please don't ever let me be like that. I have been in the past, and I know that there are bad days, but really? Life is so much better than that. Life is fantabulous, and I don't know why people try to find reasons to grumble and complain when there is so much to be thankful for.

I have French soon. I'm stoked. My TA is darned funny, and I'm going in every Friday to have him simply speak French at me so that I might learn how to legitly pronounce things before I leave. Woot!

God bless. And have a scrumptrilescent Thursday.

1 comment:

Mimi Sison said...

You don't know how much I enjoy reading your ramblings here and there! Ha, I'm glad you've fully taken on blogger mode. In this way, even though we feel disconnected to each other sometimes, we are closer than we ever were in junior high or high school. Strange.

I hope your day is as brilliant as God planned it out for you. Hehe :D
