Monday, January 26, 2009

best news ever

I only have one final this semester. Yessir, count 'em - one. That will be the best thing in the entire world. When I started this semester and looked at my exam schedule, it said that I had five. Ew. One Sunday morning, one Monday morning, one Wednesday morning (all starting at 7:45), one Wednesday evening, and one Thursday afternoon. That, I thought, would be death. It would've meant that I had finals all week. However, as it turns out, only one of my classes actually gives a final. The school just gives every class a slot, whether it gets used or not apparently doesn't matter all that much. HUZZAH!

In other recent news, I actually was asleep before 12:30 yesterday. I don't remember the last time that happened...yet somehow, I was still tired today when I was at my nursing lecture. I took a nap in the lobby until I had discussion an hour later. I guess maybe I have some catching up to do with my sleep. It happens.

1 comment:

Mimi Sison said...

That IS good news! And what nursing lecture? I never did ask you what you were aiming to become once out of college...?!