Sunday, April 5, 2009

the moon

has no light of its own, yet we see the moonlight shine so clearly from where we stand. It's a ball of dirt, with no way to illuminate our paths, yet it does. Why? It shines because it reflects. The sun shines ever so brightly, and the moon simply reflects its radiance.

This is how we should be. We are nothing; we are balls of dirt. Yet, our job is to not try to be the sun, because such a thing is impossible. Instead, we are to reflect. We are to shine Christ's love. We are to let it illuminate our souls and our lives, shining for all to see. How brilliant of a metaphor is this? I was so amazed by it this morning at Blackhawk. Watch it. It was so cool. Or listen to the song "You Are The Sun" by Sara Groves.

"And we, who with unveiled faces all reflect the Lord's glory, are being transformed into his likeness with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit."
(2 Corinthians 3:18)

We aren't diamonds; we aren't mirrors; we aren't good reflectors.

We're balls of dirt. the moon. But we can reflect His glory, his love, and his beauty.

I challenge you today to shine. Show people His love. Show them His grace. Show them His mercy. Reflect, and illuminate the world around you. Let us glorify the Creator of this world, for He is glorious.

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