Thursday, April 9, 2009

one small deed

"Strength will rise as we wait upon the Lord."

You know, right now, I have no idea what I'm doing. I have a huge decision to make, and I don't know what to do. All I know is that God has it covered, and I'm uber thankful for that. I pray for guidance, because I really need it right now. Pretty much all I'm doing this weekend is praying, and studying. As annoying as the work situation is, I am really glad right now that I'm not at home. I don't know if that would've been a good idea. I think I'll be better off here. I need quiet, and seclusion.

Praise God for the peace and calm that He's given me. I think if this had happened to me last year, I would've gone crazy. I wouldn't have been able to function. However, as it is, I'm strangely, okay. I mean, yeah, it isn't cool. No, I don't think it was handled the right way. But somehow, it honestly doesn't bother me. It did for about two seconds when I first heard, and then I realized that there are more things in life that are worth my energy. God, for example. School. Fellowship. Now is not the right time, and I'm thankful for being able to see that.

Today was amazing, and eventful. God was nice enough to let us have some sun, for once. :P
And, some kind soul was amazing enough to turn in my ipod after I left it in Grainger yesterday. Whoever you are, thank you thank you thank you. It means a lot to me.

I need to sleep. Thinking takes up too much energy. But, at least, on the bright side, it takes up less energy than moping, which I haven't done in awhile, and I refuse to do now. Killer.

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