Wednesday, April 1, 2009

fairytales and knights

in shining armor do exist. I grew up believing in fairytales. In happily ever-after. It's definitely a part of my being, something that I want and desire. In recent years/months, what have you, I had all but given up on it. I had traded in my dreams for rationality, and the idea of being "realistic." My passions and dreams were pushed aside for something that I thought would... what, help me do "better" in life? Keep me satisfied? No, no longer. Seriously. I refuse to simply "get by" or "make it through" because we are meant for so much more.

I just picked up, started, and finished When Dreams Come True, by Eric and Leslie Ludy. It was simply gorgeous. So God-inspired. So...perfect. This world will tell you to throw away your beliefs, your morals, your ideals. Give yourself away for acceptance. Honestly, how many times will we be told? "What good is it for a man to gain the whole world, yet forfeit his soul?" (Mark 8:36)

We will only ever be happy in Him. Fulfilled, in Him. Not in a kiss, not in a friendship, but in Christ alone. Everything we do should revolve around Jesus. All things should be built upon our relationship with him. Like the song - On Christ the solid rock I stand, all other ground is sinking sand.

What a romance. To be romanced by the Creator of the universe. To trust Him to put someone in your life. To let Him write your love story. I can't see anything better. I can't imagine anything better.

1 comment:

Roberta said...

So I am reading this at 4:38 AM...