Thursday, April 16, 2009

sunshine on my shoulder

I have a friend who would say she knows exactly what this blog is about because of the title. Yeah, yeah, it's nice out. Woot. Doesn't make it any less awesome in my opinion. :)

I should be writing a paper. Well, I should've already written said paper. I'm wanting to sleep and read and do nothing else for the rest of the semester, but that won't happen. I have an exam tonight, and I hope it goes well. I'm mostly prepped, but I definitely could study more.

I've been sitting in the TLC for a few hours now, going over note cards, reading my classnotes. It's getting cold and dark in here when I compare it to the outside world. 70 and sunny is my kind of spring, and I wish that it wasn't going away anytime soon, but it's supposed to rain next week. However, I'm better off here than in say, ND (for more than one reason), but mainly because of the ridiculous flooding that I keep hearing about. That's insaaaaane. I'd rather be here though than almost anywhere at the time being, because this is where I know that I am supposed to be, as cheesy as that might sound. I love school here, and while I wish that school mostly consisted of chilling with my friends and playing volleyball, I guess once in awhile I'm able to suck it up and do my homework. Like, today for example.

In 4 hours this whole test thing will be over with. I shall be able to strike one more thing off of my crazy list of to-dos, and I shall enjoy my night at Cru, as usual. Woot. I'm stoked for life, but I usually am I suppose. God is just, well, He's doing amazing things and I am overjoyed. I hope that you are as well.

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