Monday, April 6, 2009

well then, tell me how

I come across. I talked to a guy today, that I run into literally everywhere. I don't know how, but he continues to show up. And at one point today, I told him about Big Break, and about how I was ecstatic to talk to people about God's love. I told him that yes, I'm a Christian, and I'm in no way ashamed of calling myself one. I do indeed believe that Christ came, died, was resurrected, and did it to cover all of our sin. I do call Him my savior. Yes, I do go to church, and most of my free time revolves around Cru.

And he tilted his head, with a strange look in his eyes, and told me that he never would've guessed. That I didn't strike him as a "churchy" kind of person. He asked me if I were a "Bible thumper" to which I replied that, no, I won't sit there and yell at you, judging you. I'm not going to spout Bible verses at you, condemning you. He told me that he appreciated my not doing such things. I asked him that if he didn't think I was the type to do all sorts of "God-related stuff" then, what was the type? Who does he assume does that? Could he describe them? He was unable to put his thoughts into words, but I'm always curious.

What do most people assume the "Typical Christian" looks like? How do they act? How does the average person stereotype people as soon as they hear the word "Christian" ? I want to find a way to make it obvious that there's something different about the way I live. That there's something more to my existence. I pray that I radiate God's love, and that my life reflects the changes that I've undergone in the past years. To go back to the message from yesterday, I want to be the moon.

Keep me accountable? Tell me how I'm doing.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

i think a key part is not desiring to be different, or desiring to reflect God, but truly desiring only God. i think that the other things come only when our only desire is God. something that opened my eyes was when someone told me that things like loving people, and reading your bible, and wanting to have a bold faith can all become idolatry if they do not come out of only desiring God. perhaps you do only desire God, but i know in my life i struggle with it and God has been confronting me a lot with it, so thought i would share it :P