Thursday, December 4, 2008

slip and fall

Well, no surprise to anyone, I fell this morning.

I left anthropology, and was aimlessly walking down the hill, reaching for my phone in my purse when I slipped on some ice and landed on my butt. It didn't hurt at all, and though I put my hand down automatically to brace myself, it wasn't even scraped up. Falling didn't really surprise me, I mean, I trip up the stairs every day, (try as i might to hide it), I can be extremely ungraceful. I simply sat there on the path, and was a tiny bit flabbergasted with how quick I went from walking to being on the ground.

There are times when we do things that are embarrassing, and we try to hide it. However, in this situation, I knew that would be futile, there were 400 people in my lecture, and probably about 1/4 of them come out the doors that I just exited. So I sat there. And giggled. I giggled how ridiculous I probably looked, sitting on the path as if I had no where else to be. I giggled at how I honestly wasn't embarrassed, and instead hoped that I made other people laugh as well. It was just, funny to me. A man walked past, and asked if I was okay. "I'm completely fine, thanks though." I smiled, he left. It was fantastic.

It reminded me simply of how often I fall. It makes me aware of how flawed I am. It makes me grateful, because it reminds me that there's a God who's more than willing to help me get back up again. He's always there for me, no matter what. How magnificent is that? He loves me more than I can imagine, and though I've always "known" this, in the past few months, being here, I've actually come to experience it day by day. I've come to feel loved, instead of having it just be in my head, as a fact that I understand, I know that it is real. I know that He not only will be there, but that He is here. Right now.

Joshua 1:9 says "Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified, do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go."

No matter where I travel, no matter where I go, He's there. There are moments when I feel alone, where I have no idea of what to do next, when I'm hurt. And then I'll read His Word, or I'll talk to someone that He's recently placed in my life here at school, and it'll be exactly what I need to hear. It'll bring me back to this feeling where I know everything will work out, and He's got a plan, and He loves me, and life is better than fine.

I'm sitting here listening to music, and I can't do anything but smile. "By Your Side" by Tenth Avenue North just came on, and it's too perfect. "To where will you go child, tell me where will you run? And I'll be by your side wherever you fall, in the dead of night, wherever you call."

Praise Him. He is glorious.

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