Tuesday, December 16, 2008

semester is over

...thank goodness.

This semester has taught me a lot. And I'm not solely talking about education, either. In general, I simply learned. I learned about myself, (about my shortcomings, aspirations, dreams, needs, wants, study habits, the list goes on). I learned about people, both those of past, and those around me right now. I learned that I can survive on absolutely no sleep, but that I start to mess up what I'm saying, and my thought process is not completely all there. I learned that there are more important things than my homework, but that I should probably make time for both.

The list could go on for ages. This semester was so enlightening. I loved every single second of it. Even if at the time I didn't love it, I know that whatever made me sad/mad/etc at that time, taught me something. I look forward to break, because it means seeing my sister, and my family, and spending time reading and sleeping and relaxing. However, I'll miss all of these amazing people that I've met, and though it's only for a month, it'll feel like forever. I'll miss Student Impact, I'll miss the random things that my friends do. I'll miss walking around campus.

Second semester will be a blast though. I can't wait.

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