Saturday, December 27, 2008


I don't want to get my hopes up - though it might be a tad bit late for that...To have the opportunity, to go to Europe for a year, to take off of school and go to Europe for an entire year? I'd be crazy not to, right? Oh my gosh, I never would've thought that I would ditch school at all, I figured that I'd be there for 4+ straight years. People always say that it's too difficult to go back to school once you've left, is that true? I can believe it, because after being in Europe for a year? It would be harsh to go back to Madtown, no matter how much I love it. But if given the opportunity to leave? I don't know if I can decline. I already have this image of me, in my head. I've already gotten my hopes up. Yet, I can't not. I mean, I have to think about it, have to weigh the pros/cons (are there any cons?), have to decide if this is what I want to do. It's not set in stone though, and it won't be for awhile. I'll have to be patient, because I won't know for awhile. Yet, if it works out? It's hard to wrap my head around. I can barely picture it in reality, all that's in my head is fantasy, dream-like images of me frolicking through Europe, giggling from disbelief. This is too much for my brain to handle right now. This is overwhelming. But it would be such an amazing experience, would be so brilliantly spectacular. Seriously. It's a once-in-a-lifetime kind of thing. And if I am given a go, I would have to take it. Oh my gosh, Europe? I can't even imagine. I'm going nuts over here. Can time please fast-forward a few weeks to tell me if my life is about to drastically change? Please??? If it does, how short this semester will seem. How quickly it will fly past...oh, the possibilities.

1 comment:

Mimi Sison said...

I got all shivery and tingly just reading about the possibility. I think it would be nuts if you declined such an opportunity you've just described.

Wow! I'm thinking of doing some study abroad in the future. I don't know where, or for how long, but I've always just thought I would do it.

Is this something along those lines, or will you seriously be taking off from school?