Tuesday, December 9, 2008

beginning of an era

So, what is it that makes me not aspire to have straight A's? I feel as though that part of me died, and won't ever return. Yet, I am more than fine with that. I don't feel as though I need to have a 4.0 to enjoy living. There is so much more meaning to life than to simply "succeed." What is success, anyway? How would the world define it, and even if I could figure that out, how would I define it? There could be so many different meanings that go into such a word. "Success"

Boo on the definition of it in this world. Success isn't necessarily having the most money, nor the most things. I don't think that to be successful is to have designer purses, and name-brand clothes. There has to be so much more to life than simply that. I know that there is more to life than that. Things will never make me happy, and I have come to grips with that. I no longer long for more...stuff. Instead, what I long for, is a relationship with my savior. I long for friendship that is based upon similar values, and upon an understanding of the idea that life is more than simply going through the motions.

We are here for a purpose. A reason. One that may not be revealed to us in its exactness right at this moment, but one that is for specifically me, or you. I had lunch with a friend today, and he told me something that I take to heart, because it is so true. He told me that we can only minister to this year, this year. We can't minister to today, tomorrow. I want to help, I want to use my resources and my love, and my knowledge, and my gifts to simply be loving. To simply be there for others when they need it.

One of my favorite things to do is to make others happy. I'm not talking about being a "yes-man" to someone, and doing anything. But to surprise someone, to do something that is specifically for them, and is unexpected, and that makes their day. I live for stuff like that. It makes me feel so much better about my day. I love random love. I love random giving. I love it when people are generous.

I think that somehow, you can be successful in life, even if you have nothing. If you own nothing, and have no money, no house, are completely poor. You can make your life into something greater than the sorrows and the sadness that one would assume came with such circumstances. You can give your time, your energy, your life, and your love, for others. That's what I want. I want to follow Jesus, and love others. I would define my life as more than successful if I could pull that off even simply on most days, not all. I'm not perfect, and this I know more than anything. I can't do it every day. I can't follow in His footsteps at all times. I shall try to however, and of course fall repeatedly. The awesomeness is that He will continue to forgive me and pick me back up.

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