Thursday, May 28, 2009

leave if you get the chance

I've decided that I won't be at Wisconsin for the entirety of my education. I can't even think about staying there for four years straight. Yes, I love it, and I'm glad that I go there, but honestly, if I don't study abroad, if I don't get out of America, I'm going to go crazy, I swear it.

Why wouldn't I go if I get the chance? Seriously? I could spend a year in Jerusalem, learning Biblical history, going to ruins, learning Hebrew. Or I could spend a summer in Croatia, learning about the history of vampires. Come on now, this is cool. I could go to Belize and do digs for the old Mayan ruins. There's too much to do in this life, in this world.

I have finally found what I love love love more than anything as far as school is concerned. Ancient History, hands down. I spent like two hours the other day, watching a National Geographic special on a new theory about the way the pyramids are built. And, I bought a series of ancient history dvds when I was at Costco yesterday...I may be a nerd, but I don't really care. It's just so interesting! Did you know how brilliant the Greeks were? Seriously. They have a amphitheater, that still works today, and you can hear a coin drop in the center of the stage from the very top of the seats. That's impressive. Or did you know that the steps of the Parthenon aren't actually straight across? They actually drop off a little bit, so that from far away, it seems as if they're perfectly straight. They knew a thing or two about perspective, I'd say. Or, the fact that in like... the times of King Henry VIII, baths weren't that normal, but that the ancient Greeks had running water, and toilets?

See what I mean? Intrigue. I could read forever.

On a more reckless note, I'm saving this summer so that I can go skydiving for my birthday in the fall. And, I'm getting certified (finally!) to go scuba diving. Freaking awesome. I can't wait.


Roberta said...

Jenna, I have had a small (but growing) desire to go abroad! I can relate entirely! :)

PS: I like your "currently loathing": wasted opportunity. That's how I feel my summer has been so far; seeing that, however, has inspired me to change things! Thanks! :)

Unknown said...

you are crazy girlie. i love you :)

Anonymous said...

I totally agree Jenna!! Life has SO many adventures to offer!!! Miss you! :D