Sunday, September 13, 2009

i can't get enough

of your voice. How strange it is, because I've heard one similar to it, and yours is so much better. I don't want to go to sleep, or read, because it wouldn't be there any longer. Shucks, complicated.

I had to work tonight, and it was pretty normal, but, as usual, I found myself drawn to those guys that are nice enough to simply have a conversation with me as I'm doing my job. Thank you, and kudo points go out to you people for making work less terrible. Anyone who makes a good joke, or tells a good story, or wears something interesting enough is cool in my book. There was one guy who had a SF Giants hat, which I loved. Definitely commented on that, and told him about going to watch Barry Bonds as a kid. I just love it when people genuinely care.

Oh, and as a side note - cute, blue-eyed trombone player, the answer is definitely yes. Haha, not like you would ever even know me. However, I'm determined to be in the front of P from here on out, and maybe Aaron knows you? That would simply be just awesomely fun. Yeah, so, the football game was yesterday (seeing as it's one o'clock, it was technically two days ago, but whatever) and I had a blast. It was so fantastic to be in the front row, as close as we could be to the field, with a bunch of my friends. It was the first game for a few of them, and I'm glad that I could share that with them. We had a good time, and of course, the 5th quarter came at the perfect time, right after we beat F.S in double overtime. Talk about stressful games to watch, man, that one was exciting. I can't believe I have to miss the Michigan State game, but I guess I'll live. Want to know something that I think is absolutely hilarious? My friends got on the jumbo-tron for painting "Bucky" on their chests, and they were only a little bit down from me. Then the guys on the other side of me were simply ridiculous, and I think they made it on that thing as well. So, guess who thought they saw me? But was wrong? Shoe. Ha, I love that he didn't even know if it was me or not. It probably wasn't. Still funny to me that he might not recognize me? It's not like I ever actually dyed my hair blue or anything. Oh well. Giggles.

Is it weird that I want to best friends with everyone? I think I'm too social for my own good and should take a leaf out of someone else's book and stay in my room more often. I just, I think sometimes that I am spreading myself thin in my attempts to know literally everyone. It's never going to happen, but I still want to know you! I sometimes wonder if people think that I'm faking my enthusiasm or something, but it's legit, I honestly love meeting new people and spending time with others. I should simply do my homework more often. I'll work on that.

The cd is almost over, sadly, but I have to have to HAVE TO read now, so I must turn it off. Goodbye beautiful voice. :(

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