Sunday, November 23, 2008

fiction will never be good enough.

You know, I've always loved love stories. They've always held a special place in my heart, and there's always been a part of me that wished my life were more like the movies.

I can understand why girls around this country are so in love with Edward Cullen. I understand the appeal. He's perfect, or at least, as perfect as most girls could imagine a boy to be. He's charming, protective, completely in love with Bella. Who wouldn't want a devastatingly handsome boy to fall head over heels in love with them? I don't know many girls in this country that wouldn't want that.

And yet...he's not perfect. I went to go see the movie on Friday. I read all of the books this summer, flew through them, ignoring everything else for about a week. I love Twilight. As Wil would say, I'm kinda a Twihard. It makes me giggle, yet I understand the reasoning for the obsession. You always see these amazing stories, about the fabulous guy, and everything that goes with that. I'm not going to lie, there are moments where I too, have compared myself to this fictional girl, and wondered why I wasn't lucky enough to have her life. Obviously, Bella Swan and Edward Cullen don't exist. But, parts of them are real enough to see everyday, in the cute couples that can't seem to get enough of each other, or what have you.

I realized though, that as much as this world tells us that we need a romance, no matter how often it tells us that we aren't complete without a relationship, that being single is not ideal, no matter what they say, it's not true. Don't get me wrong, I think that relationships can be wonderful, and that marriage is sacred, and amazing. Yet, it shouldn't be what we're striving for. It shouldn't be what we're living for. It shouldn't be our main goal to find an Edward. Because, even if he does exist, in mortal form, he shouldn't be our obsession.

There have been moments when I've doubted, when I've wanted nothing more than to have a relationship, to have that pseudo-support, the feel of comfort and love. It's not good enough. It will never fill the gap in my life. The only thing that can, is the love of my Savior. Jesus, is my replacement fictive-hero. The replacement for Edward. I don't need to search for 'love' when I have more than I'll ever need from him. He'll never leave me, never stop loving me. I couldn't ask for more, even if Robert Pattison or William Moseley are ridiculously attractive, it can't make up for what Christ is. He is my obsession, and my love. I wouldn't have it any other way.

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