"Now, if you happen to be one of those highly motivated souls who wants to “get ahead”, you can only get ahead so far before you run headlong into the Obama wall of class warfare that turns the most apathetic against the the most success driven and are penalized and forced to share that which you had predestined to only be for your kids. I am not speaking of the generosity that we should all express to those around us and far afield. I am pointing out that it has always been your decision to do as you pleased with what was really yours. Now, you have to pull others up who still refuse to walk and insist that you carry them. All of a sudden, it has become evil to get rich."
Well said Mr. Steven Clark Bradley, well said indeed. I agree, wholeheartedly.
On another note, equally rant-y, this really pisses me off - "But if they make a mistake, I don't want them punished with a baby.” Obama, talking about his daughters, and how he wants to repeal the Defense of Marriage Act. He says he wants to teach his young daughters about morals and values... yet he wants them to have a back up plan, you know, just in case they screw around. I'm sorry dude, but if you do it right, I'm 100 percent freaking living proof that the girls won't have to end up pregnant. Maybe you should work on parenting. If they have a baby, there is little chance I feel sorry for them, because having sex was their choice. There doesn't need to be a back up plan if you just realize the consequences of what you're doing. Maybe we should teach kids to accept responsibility instead of run away from it. But I suppose that's simply my opinion, and when I'm against the president... well then, how could I possibly be right? Hah. Yeah. Whatever.